Village of Dixmoor to be connected to the CSFN Gigabit Network

Village of Dixmoor approves connection to CSFN and upgraded to VoIP phone service. The Village of Dixmoor will be implementing a new phone system (VoIP) to replace their aging telephone and data networks and lower the cost of providing those services. Using the Chicago Southland Fiber Network, Dixmoor will install a VoIP system hosted by providing new phones in both the Municipal Building and the Municipal Annex facility and increasing the data bandwidth to support both the phone and computer networks. The new communications systems will lower the overall cost to provide the services while significantly increasing the bandwidth and capability of each network.

Connection to the high Speed CSFN Gigabit Network will provide the Village not only substantially faster access to the internet compared to their existing service but the use of cloud services will allow them to replace their old failing phone system with a new hosted Cisco™ VoIP phone system provided by the network operator That system hosted in the data centers allows the Village to adopt new technology replacing their old legacy phone system with new technology without the necessity of a huge capital expenditure to purchase a complete back end PBX.

This saves the taxpayers tens of thousands of dollars in capital dollars and provides a more robust and effective system. Over a five year period they will realize a nearly 40% annual savings in telecommunications costs for the Dixmoor taxpayers.